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Visitation Ministry in Need of a 15-Passenger Van

UPDATE: funds have been raised to purchase a van, thank God!

As the work of God spreads among the Amish and Mennonites, we are learning of new families who have seen the truth of the Sabbath and have started to keep it holy. These families are often the only ones in their community to accept this truth and as a result feel quite alone. Several of our people at West Salem Mission would like to go visit these families to encourage them in the faith and let them know they are not alone. However, our families are quite large with at least 8 children and two parents, and our vehicles are not new enough to take on many long journeys.

We are trying to raise funds to purchase a 2020 Ford Transit 15-passenger van for this purpose. The van would be used by our Amish families to go visit other families who are new in the faith. We estimate the cost of the van to be around $60,000. So far, we have raised $22,000. If you feel impressed to contribute to this cause, you may donate by check, online, or calling the Mission. Thank you for your support of God’s work among the Plain People.



Contact Us

14700 Rickel Road

P.O. Box 626

West Salem, OH 44287​

Tel: (567) 334-1080​

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