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Amish Adventist Bible Study Correspondence School Is Launched!

We are so excited to announce the beginning of West Salem Mission’s Bible study correspondence school! Last year, Andy Weaver published a set of 24 Bible study guides designed for Plain People. They are available on our website, and several individuals have purchased them to use in studying the Bible with their Amish and Mennonite neighbors.

Now, these studies will be offered to students through the mail. First, we are looking for individuals who live near Amish or Mennonites to distribute Bible study offer cards. Then, the student mails in the card. Once we receive the card, we will send out the first one or two study guides. The student then goes through the study guide, self-directed. They complete the quiz sheet and mail it back to us. The quiz sheet is graded by one of our members, then mailed back to the student along with the next study guide.

If you would like to participate in this exciting new endeavor, please request a pack of Bible study offer cards and we will mail them to you. To receive your free pack of Bible study offer cards, you may go online here and request them, or call or write to us. For convenience, the cards come in packs of 10, but we wish to distribute them freely so please order as many packs as you need.

This outreach is a wonderful plan to not only bring God’s truth to the Plain People, but it connects non-Amish brothers and sisters with the Amish in a joint effort. The “English” (as Amish call anyone who is not Amish) pass out the cards to their Amish and Mennonite neighbors in order to sign them up for Bible study guides. The Amish members of our church grade the quizzes and send notes of encouragement to the students. Together and united in the truth, we can work for the uplifting of all humanity.



Contact Us

14700 Rickel Road

P.O. Box 626

West Salem, OH 44287​

Tel: (567) 334-1080​

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