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Mission Youth Report

by Mary Weaver

We live in a time where a lot of people are sleeping spiritually, and the bridegroom will come unexpectedly for them (Matthew 25: 1-13). What makes us become formal, sleeping Christians?

We are told, “If those who profess to be followers of Christ neglect to shine as lights in the world, the vital power will leave them, and they will become cold and Christless. The spell of indifference will be upon them, a deathlike sluggishness of soul, which will make them bodies of death instead of living representatives of Jesus. All must lift the cross and in modesty, meekness, and lowliness of mind take up their God-given duties, engaging in personal effort for those around them who need help and light.” To Be Like Jesus, page 260.

Something us youth here at the mission enjoy doing is going door to door handing out literature, or canvassing. Canvassing is where you go out and sell books either door to door, or in businesses. Last year we had a canvassing program for a week, and we got to get quite a few books out! We even got to sell some to a couple of Amish people!

Last week we went to a convention center where we handed out literature, and got to talk to people about Christ. We got some challengers, but that just made it a little more fun. The more you get challenged, the more you want to read your Bible and understand what you believe. The devil is walking around like a roaring lion, seeking whom he can destroy. (1 Peter 5:8) We need to have our armor on, and be ready to stand when he attacks.

On Sabbath afternoons we usually have a youth meeting where we all get together and say the memory verses that we memorized the previous week, and say what we learned in our devotional time that week. We also play a game called Bible Sword, which is a game where one person has a stack of cards with Bible references on them. They say the Bible references, and the rest of us youth see who can get to the Bible reference first. Whoever gets there first, gets the card with that reference on it. At the end of the game whoever has the most cards gets to hand out the cards the following week.

After youth meeting we have a prayer meeting, which is a special time for us youth. The floor is opened to any praises or prayer requests someone may have. After everyone is done sharing, we kneel in a circle and pray for the requests.

What can we as young people do to keep worldliness from taking our interest for spiritual things? In the book, Great Controversy, we are told, “Conformity to worldly custom converts the church to the world; it never converts the world to Christ. Familiarity with sin will inevitably cause it to appear less repulsive.” Let’s stay strong in the Lord, and bring others to Christ before it is too late! ❧

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